Sunday, October 4, 2020


I was excited to see an email from one of the best educators I know.  In his email he was describing his frustration with how divided our country seemed to be.  That every issue seemed to divide us and neither side would budge.

Almost all problem solving requires some sort of compromise.  What I have found myself often doing on occasions is not listening to the other person but instead trying to prove that I am correct.  I now realize that this never changes the other persons mind and pushes them further away.  Compromise is more likely to happen if we can identify with the person on the other side of the dispute.

So how do we form trust with people who have opposing views?  We all need to look around and find a person who thinks differently than we do.  Then find a way to connect with that person.  Sit next to them in the cafeteria, invite them out for coffee, or even have a virtual meeting.

Remember, the purpose of meeting with the other person is not to change their mind.  What you are trying to do is build trust.  Do not talk at first about controversial topics but instead find some common ground.

When meeting with people who have unlike views keep this in mind

1-     Listen to understand

2-     Speak from the heart

3-     Stay at it, these is truly a time to show your GRIT

The challenge to everyone who is reading this (and myself) is to step out of your comfort zone and reach out.  If we all do this we will move together to help bring our classes, schools, communities and country together.

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