Sunday, March 24, 2024

AI, friend or foe



As I reflect on the evolution of my career and the profound influences that have shaped it, I cannot help but marvel at the unexpected paths life often leads us down. From coaching basketball to working at Domino's Pizza, each experience has contributed to shaping my perspective and skill set in unique ways. Now, as I find myself immersed in the realm of education, I am struck by how artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing not just my field, but countless others, offering solutions to challenges we never imagined possible.


 AI, often portrayed as a harbinger of dystopian futures, is a powerful tool with transformative potential across various domains. Just as I learned the importance of motivation and inspiration on the basketball court, AI algorithms are now being deployed to personalize learning experiences, tailoring education to individual student needs and motivations. Imagine a classroom where each student receives customized lessons, ensuring that no one falls through the cracks and every individual can thrive.


 Similarly, my tenure at Domino's taught me the value of feedback and continual improvement. In the digital age, AI-driven analytics provide educators with invaluable insights into student progress and learning trends. By analyzing vast amounts of data, AI algorithms can identify areas where students may be struggling, allowing teachers to intervene proactively and provide targeted support. Just as Domino's slogan emphasized the importance of constant growth, AI empowers educators to adapt and refine their teaching strategies continually.


But most exciting is AI's potential to foster collaboration and community within educational institutions. Just as we seek a principal who can unite our school under a shared vision, AI platforms facilitate collaboration among teachers, administrators, and students, breaking down silos and fostering a culture of shared learning. Through online forums, virtual classrooms, and collaborative projects, AI technology transcends physical boundaries, connecting learners from diverse backgrounds and experiences.


 In a world where success is often equated with control and self-sufficiency, AI challenges us to embrace interdependence and collective growth. Just as Dr. Matthew Moser challenged societal notions of masculinity,


As always, your feedback is appreciated. 

Ai wrote this.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Slow down you walk to fast, you need to make college last


A student asked me what he had to do in college so that he could get into a top graduate school or impress a top company. He planned to take a rigorous academic schedule combined with joining many diverse clubs. In our modern society, the glorification of busyness often leads people like this student to overload their plates.

I pushed back on the student, telling him that he should try to take classes that genuinely interest him. Then he should examine the different clubs offered at the school and pick one that interested him. Instead of doing many things at a satisfactory level, he could do a few things excellently.

His first response was, “If I follow your plan, I will be bored. What am I going to do with all the time I have?” My response was that I was not telling him to work fewer hours but to devote those hours to excellence.

Instead of missing some club meetings because of a conflict with a different meeting, you can invest all your energy into one club. Instead of skimming the assigned reading for a class, you can read more thoroughly. Taking a deeper dive into the subjects and clubs you genuinely love will be more rewarding and fulfilling than doing a lot of things you do not care about. It will also be less stressful because you will have a manageable schedule.

If you figure out how to do a few things excellently, you will not burn out. People who burn out at work and in school are those whose plates are overloaded and who are constantly under the gun to get things completed.

The challenge for all of us is not to confuse productivity with busyness but instead with excellence. When you find your passion, you can truly unlock your potential and achieve meaningful results.

As always, your comments and feedback are appreciated.