Saturday, December 27, 2014

The importance of three good things

I was reminded the last day of break about the importance of three good things.  During the last day I received a wonderful letter from a parent which was a perfect Christmas gift.  A little later during the day I was stopped in the halls by a student so that they could read me a gratitude letter.  The power of this letter was amazing as I honestly thought I would burst out in tears (I know I should just cry),  Those two things combined were enough to make my year yet my day.  Then during the day we had great discussions on how to make both my class and our school a better place for students to learn. 

So why did I walk out of the school depressed?  I became focused on students who did not do well on the unit test.  Thinking about ways that I should have made sure they understood certain questions, beating myself up for not doing a better job, and focusing on the negative of my own performance.

As I entered my car, I started thinking about three good things that had happen to me at school.  All of the good things brought a smile to my face and re-energized me to tackle the problems of school in a more positive light.  I started reflecting on the scores in a more positive way, developed a better plan to prepare students for the midterm, and remembered that there is still plenty of time to make improvements for both me and my students.

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