Tuesday, November 4, 2014

election day

It is election day, and we see ads that remind us to do our civic duty.  I have heard numerous people state that if you do not vote you do not deserve to complain.  I am sure people are taking selfies of themselves voting today.  What all this enthusiasm has triggered in my mind is why are we not encouraged to act with great civic pride each and everyday.

Many students are not of the age to vote, yet they can make a huge difference in the world.  It can be a simple smile to cheer someone up, volunteering to teach a young child how to read, coaching a rec. team, or just picking up some garbage off the street.  All these kind acts are ways to make the world better each and everyday.

Sometimes we need these big days to remind us of our civic pride, so I will cast my vote today.  What I really need to focus on however, is how each day until the next election day I can contribute in some way to make it a better day for someone else.

What always encourages me is that I work with such great role models.  Teachers who work so hard to make a difference in students lives, and students who make such a great contribution not only to our school but to our community.

So know selfies, for me today.  Instead I will take the time to reflect on how I can model great civic pride in our school community.  Any suggestions?

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