Friday, September 26, 2014

three good things

The role of education is to invest in human capital so that each citizen is more productive.  Economists would agree that if a country is more productive that country's standard of living will increase. 

Now there is a lot of research showing  increased productivity of people who are happy.  Psychologist suggest that your brain is 31% more productive when you are happy.  Think about how little you accomplish when you are angry.   In studying successful companies research has shown that companies that are very profitable have a ratio of 3 positive statement to one negative.

When I walk around the room, I often see students struggling more with answering what three good things happened in the last 24 hours than the drill I that I gave them.  Recently one students asked me to reduce it to one good thing so that they would not have to think so hard about it.

Walking through the halls of school, it seems that there are more negatives than positive conversations.  From my boyfriend is a jerk, to how stupid are these nametags that we have to wear.

If our goal in education is to make our students more productive citizens than should one of our goals to also make sure of their mental well-being.  So I ask should our schools be focusing on our mental well being as much as our mastery of content?  Can we change our school so that we hear three positive statements for every negative?

Look forward to hearing your responses

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