Friday, November 1, 2013

Testing your GRIT

In the past two weeks I have heard more great educators tell me that they are thinking of leaving the profession.  As people are getting tired of hearing about SLO's, core curriculum, new evaluations and an increase workload.

I have to be honest and say that I was at that spot at the start of the year.  It was my thought that I could have a better life or easier life teaching in the private school system, which does not jump at every new fad in education.

I have since decided all these changes are testing my GRIT.  If you think that there is a better place than where you are at than it is easy for you to quit.  So instead of that mindset, I have begun thinking that I can live in New York where they are firing great teachers based on a horrible evaluation system.  So working in Baltimore County is great compared to that system.

What would have happened to our country if George Washington decided in the middle of the war to stop leading our troops?  How about if people like Thomas Paine left for a different country instead of sparking the conversation.  Think of the GRIT our founding fathers displayed in forming this nation.

So we in education are in the midst of a revolution.  We need to demonstrate our GRIT and stay on the treadmill.  That does not mean we roll over and take every punch they throw.  We fight just as hard for what is right than ever before.  What it does mean is like General Washington, we make strategic retreats and well thought out attacks..  But under no circumstance do we surrender.

Let us all keep on the treadmill, and make education the best we can.

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