Sunday, March 29, 2020

Three good things

When I was a young boy, during times when I was struggling, my father would tell me to go back to the basics.  Usually that meant I should keep my eye on the ball, hit the other way, or follow through on my shot.  He was a great believer that if you were struggling, you went back to the things that helped you in the past. 

Presently, we are living in a world of uncertainty.  In my lifetime, I have never seen schools and businesses shut down with no sense of when they will reopen.  This situation, coupled with people told to stay indoors and practice social distancing, has increased stress levels for many of us. 

Following my dad’s advice, I am going back to the basics.  I am making sure that each day, before I go to sleep, I am thinking about three things I am grateful for 

If you regularly do this brief daily exercise, you will find yourself looking for and remembering the good events that happened to you during the day.  Many of these will bring a smile to your face. 

Will three good things stop the virus?  Of course not.  Gratitude does, however, help you be happier, kinder, more patient, more trusting, and more cooperative. these strengths will help you get through these trying times. 

Let us all take my Dad’s advice and get back to the basics.  Join me in doing three good things each day, and together we will get through this crisis 


  1. This was just the post we needed Mr. Bressler! Without the drill, I had almost forgotten about the three good things. It really is important though. I find myself missing my friends from school more and more, and it gets me down thinking that I will have two weeks of AP Exams when I get back and then I will be done with high school. But, with something like 3 good things, I can focus on what I can control and make the most out of this time. For example, I realized that I have more time now to read books that I want to read, something I did not get to do during the regular school schedule. We obviously can't do everything we want right now, but we can find new things that we like to do and be grateful for those things in the meantime.

  2. Got through a really bad day yesterday A-Okay.
    Woke up to a homemade breakfast today.
    Helped a friend to continue something he is passionate about.

    Those are my three good things for today. Thank you for reminding us about the important stuff - the basic things we take for granted.

  3. Hope today is better for you Mason, I appreciate you both posting. We will get through this and come out stronger for it

  4. Thank you, Mr. Bressler! I'm going to steal this and share it with my classes. My 3 good things are getting $50 worth of Chick Fil A takeout, taking a nature walk with my family, and crushing my archenemy in FIFA. (The teacher has become the students...)
