Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Empathy vs Sympathy

I really enjoy this short clip that I wanted to share with my classes in school.  The problem however, is that we are having a hard time showing youtube videos right now and amazingly this video did not get through our safety screening process.

So I hope that you can take a couple of minutes out of your day to watch this video and then respond to it on the blog.  As many of the character skills somehow these discussions get lost in the school house.

So maybe my first question would be should we discussing this topic in school?  Why or why not?  Do you think people often mistake sympathy for empathy.

1 comment:

  1. That video was really cool and I'm glad you shared it with us. I think this topic among others go untouched in school when they are actually some of the most important lessons to learn in life. There is no class that teaches us how to build relationships and deal with tough situations. Maybe there should be. With all due respect to math teachers, I don't think I'll need calculus skills in life nearly as much as I'll need empathy. Anyway, this distinction definitely deserves to be talked about, because high school kids definitely rely more heavily on sympathy, and often end up making things worse for the person in need or dismissing someone who needs to be paid attention to.
