Friday, February 14, 2014

How hard it is

It is snowing and we are missing two more days of school.  I have used this time to reflect on how hard school is from a students perspective.  You wake up earlier than your body wants to and then for the next 6 1/2 hours you are asked to do things mostly out of your control.  At best it is frustrating and a struggle, at worst it is just totally boring.  The reward for working hard all day is that we give you homework so that this process continues onto the night.

What this blog is really about is how appreciative I should be for the job students do on a day in and day out basis.  Does everyone perform at a super level?  Of course not, nor do I.  What is rather amazing is how good students are at this most of the time.  When you think how many hours students are at school, how little choice they have about what they need to learn, how tough it can be to sit still for 45 minutes yet six plus hours, it is amazing to me how great our students are.

So, the next time I get frustrated with a student, or I hear another teacher who gets frustrated with a student, I will remember how great students are most of the time.  They have a difficult job in which some students make look rather easy.

1 comment:

  1. School isn't hard when you get to learn from great teachers that treat you like a valued partner and work long hours to help you learn! I feel lucky to have had such motivated teachers like you that make the time I spend in classrooms all worth it.
