Wednesday, December 18, 2013

fun vs altruism

If you ask most people which would they like to do have fun or help someone, I think the initial reaction would be to have fun.  Which one however, would make you happier in the long run?  My thoughts are that it would be to help someone.  Here is an inspirational piece of someone trying to make the world a better place.  Please view it and then tell me which do you think bring about more happiness, helping people or just having some fun with friends.


  1. I completely agree that helping others will lead to more happiness in the long term than just having fun! There's a deep sense of satisfaction that comes with making the world a better place and knowing that you've made someone else happy. Making someone smile is pretty much the best thing ever. That's why this time of the year is fantastical - because giving gifts and being generous leads to happiness!

    The choice between having fun and helping others seems like the decision between immediate gratification and long term satisfaction. It reminds me of the Stanford marshmallow experiment with the children and delayed gratification.

  2. Nick,

    I think that most people believe that helping people will benefit in the long run. My gut feeling is that helping people will also benefit in the short run for happiness. Again, if the end game is to be happy, it seems to me that we should take the time to help others. Thanks for taking the time to respond.

  3. The link didn't work for me even when I pasted it into a new tab but I'm not sure if I would choose one or the other (having fun with friends or helping someone) because I think both can happen at the same time, unless the video says otherwise. I think it is possible to help someone while you have fun with your friends as long as you make sure you're helping that person. Having fun and helping someone can go hand in hand and when those two things happen together, it creates an even deeper long term satisfaction.

    Hope you guys had a good holiday
