Sunday, May 9, 2021

Never give up

 It was one of those days where I was wondering, “What am I doing?” It didn’t seem like any of my students were learning, and my frustration with myself was building.   

During a break, I mentioned this struggle to a fellow teacher who said, “You can only teach those who want to learn.”  But I have always felt that it is my job to make sure everyone is learning. 

While I was driving home, the thought about quitting teaching crept back into my head.  My frustration level was high, so I decided to listen to some music the rest of the ride home.  After dinner, I went upstairs to start getting ready for the next day’s lesson when I received this email: 

I hope all is well. The reason for my email is that I wanted to acknowledge my lack of effort during seminars. You are one [of] if not the best teacher I have had at Calvert Hall since we went virtual. This is because you make sure we are always involved and are great at walking us through the material. I apologize for not respecting the course, as I should have.           


Anyway, the reason my focus does not seem to be on your class is due to my past success in cram studying the night before an exam. This clearly does not work for your class is because it is cumulative. I have learned this the hard way and realize I have been more focused on my letter grade than actually learning. I appreciate your patience and understand that a conversation regarding this is much overdue. 


This email helped me bounce back from my doldrums.  We all fall at times, but what is important is that we bounce back.  It made me realize that as a teacher, parent, or friend, we can never give up on anyone. 

When I am about to quit something, I pull up this email to remind myself to push forward.  As a community, if we do not give up on each other, if we support each other, we will grow with each other. 

If there is someone or something you have given up on, think about it and try it. 

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