Sunday, November 15, 2020

text or call

A student of mine asked me how we would have handled the quarantine when I was a kid. I told him that the way we would have communicated with friends was by phone. He gave me this weird look and then told me that nobody uses phones anymore. That most people just text each other. 

It made me wonder was there any advantages to texting? I then stumbled across a study that showed that if you wanted to stay close to someone or needed companionship that hearing a voice is better than receiving a text.


Participants were randomly assigned to connect with an old friend via phone or email. Though most people anticipated that talking by phone would be more awkward for them, those who spoke on the phone were much happier than those who exchanged emails. They left the conversations feeling much closer to the person than those who emailed their friends. 

As the winter months come up, you might find yourself more isolated. Even though it might seem old fashion pick up the phone and call a friend. 

At the end of the conversation you will feel much better. 


  1. People do use phones but we usually FaceTime people rather then call

  2. I agree because if we haven't seen someone in a while, it would be nice to hear their voice every once in a while.

  3. I agree that it is more common for people to use text rather than call. I personally find it more enjoyable to call people rather than text them

  4. I like physically talking more than texting because it makes the bond stronger

  5. FaceTiming seems to be more convenient in this day and age , while calling seems a little outdated

  6. I agree that talking on the phone with someone you haven't seen in a while can be awkward, especially if that person changed a lot since you last saw them

  7. Calling someone rather than texting also allow for tone of voice, a text can be sarcastic and no one will pick up on it but a tone of voice over the phone would indicate it. Leading to better communication

  8. Calling someone is a much better option when you would like to actually talk to them. Calling also makes it so that communication is bad because of the tone you are trying to use

  9. Calling someone is more beneficial so you can hear the persons tone of voice better.

  10. Physical contact is good because without it it gets lonely.

  11. Dear Psychology/Economics,
    A good friend turned me onto your blog and I found myself reading many of your entries. Then I looked to the area of "about the author" and found it blank. Anyone who writes like you do should want to share a bit about how you became so insightful. A little background lets your fans feel a closeness to you through your writing, and possibly a greater understanding of themselves.

  12. Feel free to share the blog with others. I think most of the people who read this blog know me in some way or the other. I did not even realize you can write something about yourself until you pointed it out. Hope all is going well with you
