Sunday, February 9, 2014


What should we be able to say about a student that graduates our high school.  After spending four years in our school should there be somethings that everyone (okay most) of our students share.  If we can identify the outcomes we want to see, it would make it easier to focus in on what we want to do each day.

For example when I worked for Domino's Pizza every manager could make a pepperoni pizza in 40 seconds, had taken certain classes, and had a mastery of customer service.  So what does that diploma represent and more importantly what do you think it should represent.


  1. It's hard to generalize, but my diploma will mean to me that I didn't quit, even when I wanted to.

  2. The goal of school in my opinion should be to allow the individual to challenge themselves. School should be helping us to reach our full potential as a person and a community. Too often people do things to try and challenge those that came before or those considered to be the best instead of themselves as an individual. Coming out of high school I will care less about my class rank or QPA or scholarships or college acceptances and more about what I did as a person at Dulaney. Did I push my limits with the classes I took? Did I go out of my comfort zone and explore new things? Did I learn that the just world phenomenon isn't the right view and that sometimes people just need help? Did I grow as a whole, as a human being?

  3. Graduating is a representation of what we've all overcome. It is a symbol of our perseverance and our ability to have some sort of future ahead of us.

  4. >
    > In several years when I come back to visit Dulaney, I hope that the diploma stands for integrity and honesty. I hope it represents a student body that is both willing and able to handle all the obstacles that life will throw at them regardless of whether or not they attend college, and I hope that diploma will represent a student body that sees the value in education, no matter how tedious the experience got at times.

    John A
