Saturday, September 28, 2013

Attention is all there is

I found the article that I am now going to post fascinating in that it is old school.  The focus on education back in the day was to read.  To do that you needed to have a strong focus.  I often wonder and may try an experiment, how many students read at home with no interruptions?  If you did not use any of your electronics but instead took plan breaks would that help both your retention and shorten your total workload.

Anyhow here is the link to the article.  Read and please post a comment back on my blog.  Interested in your viewpoint on this educational piece.

1 comment:

  1. There is no doubt in my mind that paying attention is vital to mastering anything, but teaching paying attention as a skill in school would probably not be as effective as a healthy dose of self-discipline. A quality that is hard to fake for sure, but could definitely a teachable one.
